Hello! I'm a book publicist at Penguin Random House by day, and a writer by night. I'm also an avid eater of all foods, creator of frequent snarky content and dog lover (gasp!). Baking is one of my favorite stress relievers, though it’s rarely vegan, and I wish I was the clean-as-you-go type (I am very much not). Favorite things include crossword puzzles, anything with sprinkles, college football (go blue!), outdoor activities of all sorts and dad jokes. You can find me on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest



Hi! I'm Rina, a recent rabbinical school dropout living in Queens. I love anything almond, avocados, white wine, cauliflower and croissants.  My favorite dinosaur is a grumpasaurus and I know SO many animal facts. I am obsessed with Pinterest, where I pin hundreds of pictures - literally - of cats, lipstick, dream kitchens and cakes.  You can join the fun on the pin-train to cat lady town here.




Sweet or salty? A: Salty - you really can't just have one. R: Whatever my uterus decides, but usually salty.

Top kitchen utensil: A: Microplane - is that incredibly dorky? R: A really sharp chef's knife, for food and for enemies.

Perfect day in NYC: A: Sunshine, with a breeze. Spin class. Somewhere with deli sandwiches. Brooklyn Bridge Park.  Coney Island. Hole-in-the-wall sushi joint.  Comedy show or Broadway musical. And of course, ice cream.

R: Brunch at Jack's Wife Freda, long walk in the village, Union Square Farmer's market, Strand, back to the village for Red Bamboo, and then music at the Blue Note or Mezzrow. With a bottle of wine or two thrown in there somewhere. Oh, and then Cafe Reggio for cheesecake.

Favorite musical: A: Fiddler on the Roof (I'd say Hamilton but that would be too obvious). R: The Twenty-Fifth-Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.

Best Pandora station: A: 90's alternative. Or classic rock.  Or Motown. I can't decide. R: Pharrell, hands down.

Thoughts on avocado toast: A: Willing-to-risk-not-having-a-house love. R: I am unabashedly, and undyingly, in love.

Superior potato style: A: Crispy French fries. R: Tater tots.

Why do you write like you're running out of time?  Did we mention we were high school musical theater nerds?